BSafe App Could Be Your New Personal Social Safety Assistant

A new free app on the Android and iOS platform called "bSafe" lets you deal with any kind of emergencies in day to day life. It is designed to keep you and your friends safe 24x7. Users of the bSafe app can set up their own personal social safety network consisting of friends, family and coworkers. With an aim to aid those who feel unsafe when they walk alone at night or feel worried about not getting quick help in case of a serious emergency, the developers of bSafe came up with an idea of putting personal safety assistant in every pocket.

The app lets you share your location with your network easily so that you can find each other. For this, there's an "I’m Here" option to tell selected people where you are right now. Users can virtually walk with each other home using Follow Me’s live GPS trace. This means once you activate the app, your friend or mother at home can track your location in real time till you reach home. There is a Timer Mode inbuilt that can help you trigger an automatic alarm if you have not checked-in in time. Coming to the most important one of them all for the mothers. A "Guardian Alert" button can be used to instantly notify your friends and family members that you need help. Using GPS they get to know where you are and a video tells them exactly what is happening.

Now, sometimes you just want to sneak out of a room but don't have a reason good enough. For this you can use a "Fake Call" feature that makes your phone ring so that you can pretend to pick up the call and leave the room. Most of the big tech blogs have rated the app really high. With the growing number of crimes especially with girls and young kids in India, this app could very well be on your must-have list.

What are your thoughts on the bSafe app? How do you think they can make it even better? Share with us in comments below.
As Per :- crazyengineers

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