The Gionee P2S has been announced for Rs 6,499 in India very soon after the Oppo Joy smartphone burst into the scene. These new launches come at a very interesting time considering Apple’s John Sculley is set to release his Obi Mobiles brand in India this month. Gionee’s and Oppo’s new-found love for the low end handset segment is not surprising from this angle.
The Gionee P2S flaunts specifications that closely match those of the Oppo Joy, though the latter does sport a slightly more chic appearance in comparison, according to us. The Gionee phone gets its steam from 1.3GHz dual core chipset and 512MB of RAM. A 4-inch display is nailed across its face and above perches a VGA webcam for taking selfies, making video calls and what not.
Android Jelly Bean powers the show here and inside, you’ll find a microSD card slot which can accommodate up to 32GB of expandability. The last mentioned is a necessary addition since there’s only 4GB of ROM and you’d mostly likely run out memory space. The handset does better than the Joy on the camera front with a 5MP main snapper instead of a 3MP lens.
Gionee P2S features at a glance:
– 1.3GHz dual core Cortex A7 processor
– 4-inch 480 x 800p touchscreen
– Android Jelly Bean OS
– 512MB RAM, 4GB internal storage
- Up to 32GB microSD card support
– 5MP main camera, VGA webcam
– 126mm X 64mm X 9.3mm
– 124gm
– 1600mAh battery
- Black and white color options.